Monday, March 30, 2009

THE QUEENS Birthday party!!!

noon saturday the 28th i got an email from "info" @perez. and i thought nooooo way!

i was so excited. so i asked jamie if she would go and she said yes. so we got to the viper room early to make sure valet didnt get all packed up. and while we were waiting in line i see an old friend by the name of tyler shields. who is an icredible photographer and shoes EVERYONE! then we heard a loud BANG! everyone in line jumped and looked over at valet. and steve'o asked if the car was a bentley we all started laughing and told him it was a "poor mans bentley" the chrysler this guys car was so low it basically got stuck on the driveway. awesome. the pilars in the viper room were wrapped like they were disco balls. there were pink lights on the walls that said "perez hilton" and the stage curtains were closed. the bar was an open bar with beer, vodka, and a menu of drinks named after perez. i ran into some old friends there. some of them i wanted to see and others i avoided. ah! but you get the idea. heres the video.

Perez's Birthday with Christina Aguilera from Tyler Alexander on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Taking Woodstock

i cannot wait to see this movie. my first CD was Grateful Dead- Skeletons From The Closet. and my uncle went to woodstock and ahh!

the cast, the crew. the outline this movie looks incredible.

A man working at his parents' motel in the Catskills inadvertently sets in motion the generation-defining concert in the summer of 1969. From 'Important Things with Demetri that aired on 3/25/09.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

el dot ey dot hip hop

my boy and one of my favorite hip hop cats has a show comin up. do yourself a favor and go to this. but dont mad dog anyone there because there will probably be some serious gang members. these shows are totally cool just dont be dumb. haha.

shows a go gos

Monday, March 23, 2009

perez gave me another shout out!

i already received a fabulous shout out from perez last summer. but he chose to wear my shoes for his sxsw party. sooooo thank you perez!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


new video... i hope you like it.

life three from Tyler Alexander on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

working on another video

heres my last one in case you have yet to see it.

life two from Tyler Alexander on Vimeo.

Annie Leibovitz broke?

She is the world’s most famous celebrity photographer, whose trademark images include the naked and very pregnant Demi Moore for Vanity Fair, John Lennon wrapped fetal-style around his wife, Yoko Ono, for Rolling Stone, and a bare-armed First Lady Michelle Obama for Vogue.

Now Annie Leibovitz, 59, has used those iconic images - and indeed, every one she has ever taken or will take in the future - as collateral for two loans totalling $15.5 million from Art Capital Group to help her dig out from massive debt related, among other things, to a botched renovation project to several historic properties she owns in Greenwich Village.


kanye show for the vuitton mens show

i really dont like kanye anymore because his ego is just so out of control at this point. but no one can deny hes a very talented individual. heres a lil video i saw about his shoes and what marc jacobs thinks of the collab.